Tuesday, November 13, 2007

John Bizarre is sick of your shit

John Bizarre is many things, but I posit that crazy isn't one of them.

Read his current and recent posts and you may disagree with me, but that's up to you. I suspect the truth is that he's convinced that the unthinkable is slowly but certainly unfolding before his eyes, and he can't keep quiet about it any longer. And it's amazing to watch.

I don't know if what he's pointing out is what is truly happening, but I know his advice (turn off the TV and start truly giving a shit) smacks of good advice. He has to understand the undeniable power of skeptical apathy and the lifelong stream of lies that cause it, but he rails against it just the same.

Everybody is full of shit, and we don't even twitch when candidate after candidate lies to our faces with a smile. It is now the natural order of things, and to suggest otherwise is now enough to label you a crackpot.

Well, get your crack outta my pot. Maybe he just makes enough sense. His rant against voting the same raggedy, binary, lesser-of-two-evils choices is convincing enough on its own to get me to shave my head and join the circus. If he makes much more sense, I'm voting for whatever rutabaga he tells me to. Even Ron Paul.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nokia 6126 phone sucks ass

"Beep beep," gone.

That's the sound of the latest frustration with our new Nokia 6126 flip phones - codenamed: "Shitbag."

We signed up with AT&T for less-costly phone service, because we didn't need the services (nor the cost) we were enjoying with our old service. Shame on them for not allowing us to gracefully downgrade without chaining ourselves to a new, 2-year "agreement." As was necessary, we picked up two new phones because our old ones couldn't work under the new service. The Nokia flipphones were free in the bargain, and I still think we got boned.

Between the clunky Menu system, unintuitive interface all-'round, and sudden joys like aborted calls during apparent full-on coverage with all bars lit, the only thing I can count on this piece of excrement to do is make a satisfying noise when I throw it against the wall.

I waited to bitch about this because each new device has its own quirks, and some frustration is natural while the user gets up to speed. This thing continues to enrage though, even after a few weeks.

My wife is even contemplating (gasp!) no service at all, rather than endure this subtle and mild form of torture. I don't blame her - this thing sucks. Bleah.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

...And it's all for me blog

It's with full awareness of the interim between my last blog entry and my current one that I sit in peace enter this latest post. Subjects upon which to blog swirl around in my head like wraiths, distinct but impossible to grasp and put in a bottle. I know it's been a while, and the main reason I'm jotting something down is so that I don't fall out of the habit completely.

In other words, this is likely to be among the least interesting blog entries I've ever written, but I need to stretch my fingers, so just give me a break.

The blissful mood with which I've blogged recently have eroded somewhat lately - nothing lasts forever - but I'm confident that this is a phase, and nothing more. I'm still very fortunate and have a lot going for me. Unfortunately, I've allowed fear and worry to rent out a one-bedroom apartment and single car garage in my head, and I have yet to evict these lousy tenants with their noisy parties in the wee hours of the night, and I just KNOW I'm going to regret not getting a deposit.

I'm looking at two days off with absolutely no plan at all as to what to do with them. This is not an ideal situation, as I usually give in to boredom and hoist some beer. This little bargain has been wearing out for years, but I have yet to find a suitable and satisfying replacement for this often-regrettable but by now ingrained behavior. Still looking, and once I find it, I'm incredibly ready to embrace that change. Bleah.