I just realized something about myself, and it's taken some getting used to. I'm Superman.
I know; I didn't believe it either at first, but I've proven it. For example: I'm looking for my shoes this morning, and I look where they belong, right next to the bed. Nothing. I go to look in the living room, fail, come back, and there they are, right next to the bed! Another example: the sugar bowl is running low, and I know we have a bag in the refrigerator, from which I can fill it. I looked on every shelf of the fridge three times, moved things around, and fully explored the 18 cubic feet of this unit, top to bottom. I ask my wife, she tells me where it is, and >poof< there it is.
Clearly, I have X-ray vision. In the space of two days, I have looked completely through two solid objects! Now, if I can just control it, I'll really have something.
Look! Up in the sky! It's a dork! It's a dipshit! No, it's Clueless Man!!
San Diego Cults
“Cult Classic” by Cora Lee is a terrific article covering several of the
local cults San Diego discovered over the years. The Yellow Deli in
particular is ...
22 hours ago