Thursday, June 14, 2007

Why God thinks I'm hilarious

If it's not clear, the title of this blog refers to my life's little tribulations, and my certainty that God laughs his ass off as one of the ants in his ant farm struggles, flails and does wild combat with forces no one else sees or understands. I know this because God tosses odd little things in my path just to see what I'll do. Some examples:
  • The DUI program I signed up for is run by a guy whose last name is "Boire," the French word for "to drink."
  • Collecting the one egg our 40-odd chickens produce per day, I slipped it into my pocket for later dropoff. It broke in my pocket during my morning chores before I could unload it. This is the second time so far.
  • Getting dressed the day we took my daughter to the airport for the big goodbye, I seriously considered wearing the "World's Greatest Dad" T-shirt she bought for me a few years ago. I didn't do it, but I shoulda.
It just keeps gettin' funnier...

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