Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas, almost everyone

My family and I had a great Christmas - lots of gifts and love, no bad news. I'll take that any day.

My son got overstimulated by too many great gifts and a blood-sugar spike that would give a hummingbird heart palpitations (he had no breakfast and then >WHAM< a big chocolate Santa, straight to the bloodstream). This caused a condition that lasted several hours and inspired visions of belt-whippin's to dance in his Daddy's head.

Grandma stepped up and invited the little... DARLING... over to her house for much of the remainder of the day, and I got a closer look at all the wonderful things Wifey Claus brought me. One of them was a nifty telescope - as soon as I put it together, a thick layer of cloud cover moved in, and all attempts to ogle the moon were over before they started. I'm still looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Joe Crawford said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!