Thursday, January 31, 2008

Joe Rogan: occasional genius

When I sat down to write my last post, I nearly continued the winey-drama of the previous one, about how I need more time to myself, and can't conecntrate. I couldn't face blogging more bitching and angst, so I wrote some shit about how I need a new car instead.

I went on about my business, and not much later I came across Joe Rogan's blog archive, containing these sage words, summing up the contents of my head much better than I could:

Remember back when you were a kid, and you thought there were actually people that knew what this thing we call "life" was really all about? Remember when you thought there really were "grown ups?"

Then, all of a sudden one day you become a "grown up" yourself and the terrifying revelation occurs to you that there really are no "grown ups," just kids that got old and had kids of their own, and no one really knows what the fuck is going on.

Well said.

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