Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Make mine a double

Jeezis, what a shit morning today. My son was all butt-hurt about something, and life got hectic for just a few minutes there. I ended up skipping breakfast, and the drive to work was a long one.

I decided I needed some comfort food for breakfast. I stopped by Angels Camp Burger King and ordered a double sausage-and-cheese Croissanwich. After this artery-clogging luxury, I felt much better.

Best four bucks I'll spend today, and it's second-best for the week, where first is that I bought new, $4 earbuds for my MP4 player. One earbud of my current pair failed and I had tolerated it, but I drew the line when my one remaining speakerbud started buzzing and crapping out. I found some cheap ones (different brand than the ones that just failed me) on eBay and free shipping sealed the deal.

I think everybody with the means should find an under-$10 web purchase and invest in a minor splurge of retail therapy as often as possible. Cheap books are a good option. Dr. Tom's prescription calls for at least two per month, or as needed.

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