Saturday, December 24, 2011

San Francisco

We went to Pier 39 in San Francisco yesterday, shopped the outdoor mall and had a good time. We took Michelle's nephew James along, and I'm glad we did. He's grown up with a good heart and strong sense of humor. Plus, he bought me a beer; that always helps.

We caught a street performance by a performer who worked juggling into a love-triangle skit. It was a little forced, but she was lively and charming enough. I tipped her a fiver, and I gave Brian a buck to tip her, too. Brian started out cranky, but she had won him over by the end.

We saw the seals, Brian and Michelle went on a cool Merry Go Round, and I got to eat a fantastic chocolate dessert crépe that Brian "shared" with me after swearing he didn't want one. That's ok, I pulled the same trick when he got an ice cream ten minutes later!

It was a beautiful day out.


Joe Crawford said...

Whilst you were in San Francisco, I was, with my own step-rabble travelling to Burlingame. I suspect we were within about 40 miles of each other at some point the other day.

We're getting closer to that beer.


Tom Bickle said...

Ha! Amazing. One of these days...!