Monday, June 25, 2007

I've got enough mystery in my life as it is

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: If you're going to leave a voicemail/answering machine message for someone, indicate what the whole call is about. Following is one of the messages on my machine lately.
"Hi Tom, it's , just had a few questions for you. Call me back..."
I'm not calling that guy back. I don't mean to be selfish, but what's in it for me? I have a terrible habit of living my life primarily by fear, and until I kick it, I'm not calling back on this type of message. What if it leads to bad news? I'm not contributing to that situation at all. What if something's outta whack? Why so cryptic, unless he's trying to catch me with my guard down? Just because I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get me. Good luck getting a hold of me, pal.

Plus, it's lazy, inefficient and inconsiderate. Can't you just mention the questions, or type of questions, in your message? If you leave me the questions, maybe I can call you back with answers, having had a chance to review them, research them, and put some useful information together. That way, if I miss you and have to leave another message, I can just deposit your response in your voicemail, and leave playing tag to the kids in the street.

Hm? Am I on to something, or what? You bet your ass I am. Next time, leave a real, whole message, or don't bother leaving anything at all. My life has enough mystery and blind alleys already.

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